1988: Phylogenetic and Applied Studies on Chloroplast Genome in Forest Conifers, International Workshop on Biochemical Markers in the Population Genetics of Forest Trees, October 11th -13th, Orvieto, Italy, National Research Council of Italy and IUFRO.
1990: Variation and Possible Interaction of Nuclear and Chloroplast Genes in Forest Conifers , IUFRO World Congress, August 5th - 12th, Montreal, Canada.
1990: DNA Markers in Forest Genetics, European Community Workshop on Genetic variation of forest tree populations in Europe, October 9th -11th, Göttingen, Germany.
1991: Genetic Diversity and Speciation Patterns in Pinus and Picea, 3-rd Congress of European Society for Evolutionary Biology, September 1st - 5th, Debrecen, Hungary.
1992: Molecular Analysis of Speciation Patterns in Pinus and Picea, British Genetical Society Meeting, St. Andrews, June 23rd, Scotland, United Kingdom.
1993: Application of Molecular Methods in Forest Gene Conservation and Management. October 12th, Royal Forest Department, Bangkok, Thailand.
1993: Forest Genetic Resources in Sweden: Uses and Applications. October 18th, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand.
1993: Molecular Approaches to the Analysis of Conifer's Evolution. December 10th, National Research Council, Florence, Italy.
1994: Molecular Population Genetics and Evolution: Two Neglected Elements in Studies on Forest Biodiversity, Symposium on Measuring and Monitoring Biodiversity in Tropical and Temperate Forests, August 28th - September 3rd, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
1995: Population Genetic Structure of Pinus sylvestris (L.) Revealed by Analysis of Allozyme and RAPD Variation: Discrepancies and Similarities. 5th Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology, 4-8th September, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom.
1996: Description and Management of Natural Variation International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM), March 11-12th, Zaragoza, Spain.
1996: Molecular Approaches for the Assessment of Plant Genetic Resources. Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Agricultural Biotechnology: Issues and Choices, 10-15th November, 1996, Hua Hin, Prachuapkhirikhan, Thailand.
1997: Biological and evolutionary significance of RNA editing in gymnosperms. International Conference on Biodiversity and Bioresources - Conservation and Utilization, 23-27 November, 1997, Phuket, Thailand.
1998: Genetic markers in forest genetics - The tunnel remains dark. Contribution of genetics to the sustained management of global forest resources, IUFRO All-Division 2 Conference on Forest Genetics and Tree Improvement, in cooperation with FAO, August 22- 28, 1998, Beijing, China.
2001: Genetic variability in the canker pathogen fungus, Gremmeniella abietina (Lagerb) M. Morelet. The 73rd Annual Meeting of the Genetic Society of Japan, September 22-24, Ochanomizu University, Tokyo, Japan.
2002: Nucleotide diversity in refugial and postglacial populations of Pinus sylvestris L. IUFRO Symposium: Population and Evolutionary Genetics of Forest Tree Species Stara Lesna, Slovakia, August 25-29, 2002.
2009: Phylogeography and genetic risks of extinction in tree species. BioEco 2009 Conference, June 26-28, 2009, Tianjin, China.
2018: Natural hybridization in Rhizophora species in South=Eastern Asia. University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka.